Nico Felsenheld (b. 1999, Washington, D.C.) is a video artist and writer from the suburbs of Washington, D.C. They are pursuing their BFA in Sculpture + Extended Media from Virginia Commonwealth University.
They are interested in the investigation of unreal spaces, and (re)creating the unreal by means of video. With an emphasis on the dreamlike, their practice examines the ways in which which the medium of video distorts or clarifies our perceptions of reality. By using pop culture iconography and found footage along with more extreme digitally-based effects, the familiar is contrasted with the strange, exemplifying the differences between the real world and the created realm of video.
Their work has been exhibited at GlogauAIR in Berlin, Germany, as well as at 1708 gallery's InLight, Gallery5, and the Anderson Gallery in Richmond, Virginia. They are currently based in Richmond, Virginia. You can email them at